Request for a contribution to 11-Man Ballot WTM ( Laverty vs Moiseyev)
January 16th - January
19th in
Burlington, NC
I’m asking you to help me sponsor the
11-Man World Title Match between Tim Laverty and Alex Moiseyev on January 16th
through 19th, next Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.
You may read all the details at this link: http://www.nccheckers.org/NCCA/2015%20WTM%2011-Man%20Laverty%20vs%20Moiseyev.htm
The reason this is an important match is
because it will allow the best US 11-Man Ballot Champion to defend his title
against GM Sergio Scarpetta
from Cerignola, Foggie
Italy. Sergio
has submitted a challenge to play GM Moisevey or the title holder in 2016.
Provided Alex
wins, this should build his confidence and create enormous interest as this
challenge would be the Italians’ attempt to hold all three English Checker World
Titles. Currently GM Sergio Scarpetta holds the
GAYP World Title which he won from GM Ron “Suki” King in July 2014 and GM
Michele Borghetti from Livorno, Italy holds the 3-Move World Title which he won from GM Alex Moisevey in July
This would be a much anticipated, exciting, and definitely a close World Title Match!
But first, we need to raise enough money to pay for the essentials to hold this tournament. I would like to at least match our 2013 11-Man WTM.
There has been an increased interest in 11-Man Ballot Tournaments in Europe and in the US in recent years.
Thank You! JR Smith
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